1. LUMA Academy
  2. Asia Care Plus Thailand

ACPTH: How to Claim

Asia Care Plus Thailand members can submit claims online for amounts up to 10,000 THB.

1. Mobile Application

  • Download Luma application on your mobile device.

App Store Logo

Google Play Logo

  • Register to your secure Luma Member account via Luma Care App
  • Go to the 'Claims' tab and submit your claims
  • Take photos or upload photos of your poof of claims documents, and submit

2. Luma Online Service

  • Log in to the member's portal at www.lumahealth.com
  • Go to 'Claims' and submit your claims
  • Take photos or upload photos of your proof of claims documents, and submit

Important Guidelines for Online Claim Submission:

Keep the original receipts for 12 months from the date of claim payment. The insurer reserves the right to request original documents for verification. If the insured fails to provide the original documents upon request, the insurer reserves the right to deny the claim and pursue recovery. 

If your claim is more than 10,000 THB

Original documents are required for claims exceeding 10,000 THB.

You can still make an online submission for claims exceeding 10,000 THB to expedite the review process. However, you are still required to send original documents by post to process the claims.

Required documents:

  • Original receipt
  • Original medical report/certificate
  • Detailed receipt (statement detail report including the name of medicine and price of each item to be mentioned, if any)
  • Doctor’s prescription (with medical indications for prescription drugs, laboratory tests, physical therapy, eyeglasses, and contact lenses)
  • For first-time claims only: Signed first page of bank book + signed copy of Insured’s passport

If requested, send originals to this address:

Luma, Claims Department

57 Park Ventures Ecoplex
9th Floor, Unit 912 Wireless Road,
Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand